/ Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement: Artificial intelligence and shipmanagement

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement: Artificial intelligence and shipmanagement

20 фев 2020

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement: Artificial intelligence and shipmanagement

Expect to hear and see plenty about Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement’s novel apps it will be launching later this year. The shipmanager, one of the world’s largest, is putting the finishing touches to new digital tools that will be used onshore and at sea, and according to Ian Beveridge, BSM’s CEO, the in-house creations will feature the company’s first machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.

The biggest challenge Beveridge and his team at BSM face this year, he tells Maritime CEO, is the management of the changes required to cope with the extremely high industry performance expectations in a low margin environment.

For Beveridge 2020 will see an increased focus on fuel efficiency, emissions and sustainability as well as rapidly developing focus on “human factors” from stakeholders such as oil major vetting departments in a drive to continue to improve safety performance.

BSM now has around 400 vessels under full management and 170 vessels under crew management, making it one of the biggest names in the business, a sector that has seen massive consolidation in recent years.

“I don’t expect any large mergers/takeovers between the top five shipmanagers,” Beveridge says, predicting instead continued absorption of smaller managers that he believes lack sufficient scale to operate sustainably.

Beveridge is approaching his 30th anniversary working with the iconic Schulte Group. He was appointed as CEO of Bernhard Schulte in 2001 and two years ago he also took over the role of BSM CEO. He began his service for the Schulte Group in 1991 at Eurasia Shipmanagement in Hong Kong.
